DNow 2025 "REMAIN"
Disciple-Now (DNow) is a weekend long event for students in 7th—12th grade to spend focused time diving into God’s Word together and mature in their faith through worship, Bible study, and recreation. Churches from across Southern Illinois gather together each year to worship and exalt the name of Jesus!
As followers of Jesus, God has plans on what intends to accomplish in and through us. That includes taking us from where we are and conforming us more into the image of Christ as well as using us to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. However, we cannot fully experience all that God has for us in isolation or separation from Him.
In John 15:5, Jesus emphasized the importance of his followers remaining attached to the true vine. If we are to bear “much fruit” in and through our lives, we must remain in Jesus through a daily, personal relationship with Him.
At DNow 2025, we’ll learn how remaining in Jesus Influences our Identity in Christ, Encourages Spiritual Growth, and Empowers Us for Kingdom Work.
DNow 2023 Highlight
DNow Worship Leaders

Jake Cannon - Speaker
Jake serves as the associate pastor at Church of the Redeemer in St. Louis, Missouri. Jake is also an avid book reader and movie watcher. He and his wife Mary Todd have two children: Romy and Peter.

Resonance - Praise Band
Resonance represents the worship program of the Department of Music and Worship at Cedarville University. The name “Resonance” represents not only our music that physically resonates, but also our desire for the Word of God to resonate in our hearts and through our worship.
Weekend Information
Immanuel Baptist Church
Benton, IL
February 28th-March 2nd, 2025
$35 per person (including adults)
Weekend Schedule
Friday (February 28th)
6:00 PM — Registration @ IBC
6:30 PM — Worship
9:00 PM — Dismissal
Saturday (March 1st)
9:00 AM — Begin Arriving @ IBC
9:30 AM — Worship
12:00 PM — Lunch
1:00 PM — Recreation
3:00 PM — Bible Study
4:30 PM — Free Time
5:00 PM — Dinner
6:00 PM — Worship
8:30 PM — Dismissal
Sunday (March 2nd)
Worship @ Your Church!
Please updated and have your group's numbers submitted to casey@ibcbenton.com February 16, 2025.